牛津译林版八年级上册lntegrated skills教学课件ppt

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牛津译林版八年级上册lntegrated skills教学课件ppt

#牛津译林版八年级上册lntegrated skills教学课件ppt| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

这是一份牛津译林版八年级上册lntegrated skills教学课件ppt,文件包含译林牛津版中学英语八年级上册Unit1IntegratedskillsStudyskills教学课件pptx、Unit1FriendsIntegratedskillsStudyskillsdocx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共16页, 欢迎下载使用。

Let's talk abut future plans.I wuld like t be … in the future .I want t be … when I grw up .I hpe t becme … when I grw up.I am … I have like … I can ... I hpe t becme … when I grw up.teacher, dctr, driver, ck, farmer, wrker, Future plansA1: Nra is talking t Amy abut the future plans. Listen t their cnversatin .Help Nra put a tick( ) in the crrect bxes in the table belw.make friends with sb. listen t peple carefullyhelp sb. with sth.Dear Diary,Tday Amy and I talked abut ur future plans. I wuld like t be a scial wrker when I grw up. I am always kind t peple.I have many friends at schl. I like t _____a lt f peple and make ________ with them. I can _______t peple carefully and help them with their_________. I will be happy if I can make ther peple______.A2: Nra is writing abut her future plans in her diary. Help Nra cmplete her diary entry. be kind t sb. Dear Diary,I lve drawing and I wuld like t be ____________ when I grw up. Amng all the Chinese artists, I like ____________ best. His pictures f _________ are beautiful wrks f art . I want t be as________ as he is . I wnt t travel arund the wrld and learn mre abut ______ sme day.A3: Sandy is writing abut her future plans in her diary t. Listen t her cnversatin with Daniel. Help Sandy cmplete her diary entry.1. What is Peter like ?2. What abut Lucy? He is the tallest in the class. She is shy and quiet.What is he like?Sandy is telling her neighbur Helen abut her friends Listen t the cnversatin and answer the tw questins.He is clever and humrus.She is a small girl with a pnytail.Practice in pairs, talking abut yur friends. A: Wh is the by …?B: Oh, this is … I think he lks … A: Yes, I agree.B: He is … in my class.A: What’s he like?B: He’s …. He’d like t be … when he grws up.A: Wh is the girl …?B: She’s…Name wrds abut fruits as many as pssible.apple range banana peachpineapple strawberry grape mang watermeln ...Study skillsstrawberries A vcabulary tree can help yu remember new wrds quickly.Hw t make a vcabulary tree ?1. Draw a big tree as yu like. 2. On its branches, write the grup names. 3. Put the wrds n the branches.4. Draw a picture fr each wrd t make it mre interesting.Cmplete the vcabulary tree by writing the wrds n the crrect leaves.nursedctrckwaiterplicemanprettylvelycutetiredexcitedbredangryafraidmeet different peplemake friends with sb.listen t peple carefullyhelp peple with their prblemstravel arund the wrldtalk abut ur future planswant t be a scial wrker1、见不同的人2、与某人交朋友3、认真听人们倾诉4、帮助人们解决困难5、环游世界6、讨论我们将来的计划7、想成为一名社会工作者8、对人们友善9、使其他人开心10、在所有的中国画家当中11、漂亮的艺术品12、更多的了解艺术13、某一天14、与……一样有名15、靠近16、扎着马尾辫个子小小的女生be kind t peplemake ther peple happyamng all the Chinese artistsbeautiful wrks f artlearn/knw mre abut artsme dayas famus asnext ta small girl with a pnytail


英语九年级上册lntegrated skills教学课件ppt: 这是一份英语九年级上册lntegrated skills教学课件ppt,文件包含译林牛津版中学英语九年级上册Unit1IntegratedskillsStudyskills教学课件ppt、Unit1KnowyourselfIntegratedskillsStudyskillsdocx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共24页, 欢迎下载使用。

英语八年级上册lntegrated skills教学ppt课件: 这是一份英语八年级上册lntegrated skills教学ppt课件,文件包含译林牛津版中学英语八年级上册Unit8Integratedskillsstudyskills教学课件pptx、Unit8NaturaldisastersIntegratedskillsStudyskillsdocx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共44页, 欢迎下载使用。

初中英语牛津译林版八年级上册lntegrated skills教学ppt课件: 这是一份初中英语牛津译林版八年级上册lntegrated skills教学ppt课件,文件包含译林牛津版中学英语八年级上册Unit6IntegratedskillsStudyskills教学课件pptx、Unit6BirdwatchingIntegratedskillsStudyskillsdocx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共29页, 欢迎下载使用。




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